Thursday, December 11, 2008


see, this is why i was never able to keep a journal! i am soo bad about getting into a routine. i think its probably because im so good at procrastination. i can always find something to do when i should be doing something else. procrastination is the only routine that i can keep up with...its a horrible habit.
hopefully i'll be better about keeping up with things..

last week i got my christmas/birthday present!
sadly, my birthday falls on december 21st. usually people say 'oh awesome, its probably like getting double the presents right?!' no, no it's not. it's like getting half the presents. everyone in my life has, at least once, combined my birthday present and my christmas present into one. now, i understand thinking up 2 seperate presents may take a little more thought but please, please, pleaseee, just get two little things that at least make me feel like my birthday is a separate event from christmas. you get a separate celebration, why shouldn't i?
This year i gave my parents full permission to combine the two events into one because of the price tag that was attached to the gift that i was after.
i asked for skis. my own set of lovely skis, boots, poles... the whole package.
now that i have them (early of course) i am sooo excited! i can't wait for the snow to come and cover the slopes so i can get out there and test them!
They are Volkl Cielo skis and i am in love<3

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